That night I was so happy, not only because I got to dance with a team that I love but because I got asked to homecoming. During half time me and all of the other girls on the dance team were able to go to the bathroom and get food and do all of the things we needed to do. Coach Madrigal told us to check in every 5 minutes and the first time I came back I sat my drink down and walked over by the fence to talk to my mom, all of a sudden I hear someone screaming “BABE BABE” from behind me and i turned around to see Pacey standing there with a sign that said “I can’t dance but teach me at HOCO?” I was so happy and i couldn’t stop smiling the whole night.
I was shocked by how close HOCO was coming so I spent the whole night looking up cute HOCO signs for people who are on the dance team since my girlfriend is on the dance team. I thought that would be really cute if I made a sign about her, teaching me how to dance to HOCO and I wanted it to be special for her first time doing this so I spent the whole night thinking of ideas then I saw one that looked perfect, “I can’t dance but can you teach me @ HOCO?” And I knew I had to do that because it looked really sweet. So, me and my mom spent the whole night planning how I was going to ask her then the day of the game we made the sign. I told her mom the day of the game and I told her cousin so they knew and I told her mom to record it so she could have it as a memory forever.